我們要講的第一個習慣用語是: go bananas。 Bananas是香蕉,又香又甜的香蕉幾乎人人愛,但誰對香蕉愛得最瘋狂呢? 可得數猴子了。猴子見了一串香蕉會興奮得忘乎所以,又叫又跳。Go bananas這個習慣用語就來自這兒。當然它不只是用來說猴子,也可以說人。如果一個人像猴子看到香蕉那樣激動得上竄下跳、又喊又叫,那這個人必定是情 緒失控了。我們要聽的例子就說到這樣一個人在高速公路塞車時候的反常表現。好,我們來聽這個例子吧。
例句-1:I was on the highway yesterday in a terrible traffic jam. Suddenly, the man in the next car to me went bananas. He was screaming and yelling and then he crashed his car into mine! Totally out of control.
所以go bananas意思是焦急煩躁而情緒失控。
我們再學一個習慣用語: compare apples and oranges。 Compare意思是比較,apple是蘋果,而orange是橘子。這是色香味毫不相同的兩種水果,沒法放在一起作比較。我們來聽個例子,說的是流行歌 手Madonna和古典大提琴曲演奏家馬友友。流行歌手的英文是: pop singer, 而大提琴手的英文是: cellist。演奏古典音樂的大提琴手就是: classic cellist。好,我們來聽這段話吧。
例句-2:David says Madonna is the greatest artist but Lucy thinks Yo-yo Ma is the best. I say they're comparing apples and oranges. Madonna is a pop singer and Yo-yo Ma is a classical cellist.
他說:David 認為Madonna是最偉大的藝術家,但是Lucy卻覺得馬友友最優秀。我的看法是他們把兩個截然不同的人硬湊在一塊比較,因為Madonna是流行歌手,而馬友友卻是古典大提琴曲演奏家,他們無法相比。
所以compare apples and oranges意思就是把毫不相干的人或物硬湊在一起作比較。
我們再學一個習慣用語: Hear through the grapevine。 Grapevine是葡萄藤。這個習慣用語來自還沒有發明電話的年代,當時最快速的通訊途徑是電報。有人把交錯纏結的電報線路比作葡萄藤。換句話說,葡萄 藤象徵傳遞消息的途徑,漸漸hear through the grapevine被用來指聽到非正式的小道消息。這些傳聞的來源往往是親朋好友間的私房話。好,我們來聽個例子。
例句-3: I heard through the grapevine that Mark and Julie just broke up. I can't believe it - I thought they were going to get married. Julie's sister called this morning to give me the bad news.
所以hear through the grapevine意思是聽到小道傳聞。
我們最後再學一個詞的特別意思: lemon。 Lemon是檸檬,但是在俗語中可以指品質低劣的騙錢貨色。我們來聽個例子。說話的人買了一輛毛病百齣的車。他是上經銷商的當了。好,我們來聽這段話。
例句-4:Only three weeks after I bought my new car, problems started. First the doors wouldn't close, then the brakes failed. I should have known the car was a lemon when the dealer gave me five hundred dollar discount.